Security Papers, Printing & Drawing Papers

J.Vilaseca can produce paper with any security features, from paper for admission tickets to banknote paper. In addition, it can produce special papers used by official organizations, which have specific value in the industry and whose physical and security features are entirely predefined: CBS-1, Schengen visa, fungicide paper for soap etc.

The product range includes two main categories:

Group 1

Security papers that guarantee the authenticity of the document. Security features include:

  • Watermark (light, shaded, light-shaded, multi-tonal);
  • 3-layer paper;
  • Holographic Stripes;
  • Security Fibres;
  • Planchettes;
  • Pigments;
  • Specific composition: cotton, synthetic etc.

Group 2


Papers that provide protection against manipulation after use. The objective of the security features is to avoid duplication or manipulation of previously written or printed information.

  • Paper used for bank cheques;
  • Paper used for passports;
  • Paper used for ID cards;
  • Paper used for lottery tickets;
  • etc.

All papers can be made in different sizes, with specific compositions, synthetic fibers and various chemical reagents such as acids, alkalis, oxidants and reducers, organic solvents and ink eradicators.

We want to emphasize the production of: – security papers with features against damage during use or against the attack of biological agents (fungi , bibliophage bacteria) and – papers that include specific features that offer high resistance to moisture or fire.

We identify the best solutions and opportunities for your business!